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The Curl Up

Creating a bedroom oasis

Creating a bedroom oasis
Maggie Burns knows a thing or two about creating a beautiful, yet functional space for sleep & restoration. She shares with us her simple do’s and don’ts for designing a relaxing atmosphere. (Good news if you’re looking to refresh your space for spring!)

Feeling overwhelmed about living sustainably? It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Feeling overwhelmed about living sustainably? It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

We asked a few busy entrepreneurs, moms, and eco-leaders how they prioritize making sustainable choices in their lives & businesses. It can be daunting trying to make changes on an individual level when we know what’s at stake. But rather than feeling discouraged, it’s better to give ourselves some grace, so that we can find small yet meaningful ways to live our lives in tune with the planet.

Under the Covers with Matt Cooper and Fabrice Gautier

Under the Covers with Matt Cooper and Fabrice Gautier
We're talking with some of the best for guidance on overall health and wellbeing. Read what Fabrice Gautier, aka the NBA's body whisperer and a physiotherapist and osteopath, and Matt Cooper, a nutrition consultant and trainer, can share based on their wealth of experience with some of the world's top athletes.

Win the Ultimate Pink Bundle!

Win the Ultimate Pink Bundle!
Supporting women's sleep is supporting women's health. Did you know that women tend to take longer to fall asleep and insomnia is considerably mo...

Back-to-School & Sleep: 3 Tips for Calm & Focused Kids

Back-to-School & Sleep: 3 Tips for Calm & Focused Kids
We’re days away from starting a new school year and for many families, the transition from summer break to stricter schooling routines can be challenging. While settling back into a healthy sleep schedule for your little one may not be top of mind as much as school supplies & carpool planning, good sleep is critical for success in school.

The Curl Up | April 27, 2022

The Curl Up | April 27, 2022

“Self-care means giving yourself permission to pause."

─ Cecilia Tran

The Curl Up | February 24, 2022

The Curl Up | February 24, 2022

“Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light."

─ Theodore Roethke

The Curl Up | January 28, 2022

The Curl Up | January 28, 2022

“Within yourself is a stillness, a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” ─ Hermann Hess

Under the Covers with Nikki Ostrower

Under the Covers with Nikki Ostrower
For integrative nutritionist & wellness lifestyle expert, Nikki Ostrower, self-care isn’t just a buzzword–it’s all about showing up for yourself and making time for treasured activities. From the morning sunshine to Auriculotherapy, she shares with us how to improve health & happiness, find balance, and live in integrity.

The Curl Up | December 29, 2021

The Curl Up | December 29, 2021

“Celebrate endings―for they precede new beginnings.” ─ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Experience 2022 with Intention

Experience 2022 with Intention
The New Year can be an ideal time to check-in and take inventory on how we’ve been living our lives thus far and if our actions have been aligned ...

The art of maintaining your zen this holiday season 🤍

The art of maintaining your zen this holiday season 🤍
Looking for ways to maintain your zen this holiday season? Read on for advice for holistic techniques from Dr. Sheva Assar, licensed clinical psychologist.